How Laser Dentistry Has Transformed Holistic Dental Offices

Biological and Holistic Dentistry

How Laser Dentistry Has Transformed Holistic Dental Offices
Laser dentistry is used for a variety of different procedures, but in this article, I’ll cover some of the ways that lasers have made modern dentistry a far better experience for many patients.

Laser Use in Holistic Dentistry

Dental Arts and Wellness emphasizes a patient-centered approach that considers the individual’s overall health, well-being, and the connection between oral health and systemic conditions. This is commonly referred to as “holistic” or “natural” dentistry. 

We commonly use biocompatible materials, focusing on prevention and the body’s innate healing abilities. This approach often involves addressing factors like nutrition, lifestyle, and emotional well-being, aiming to create a supportive environment for optimal health.

The Laser Dentistry We Use At Natural and Cosmetic Dentistry

Laser dentistry employs focused light beams to perform various dental procedures with exceptional precision. We use low-level lasers and LED (light-emitting diode) to treat patients. 

One type of laser treatment we offer is used for certain surgeries, gum reshaping, and other muscle attachment improvements. The other is a low-level is used to remove oral tumors, regenerate nerves, assist in the treatment of sleep apnea, and to whiten teeth. 

Key Transformations in Holistic Dental Offices

1. Enhanced Precision and Minimal Invasiveness

One of the most significant advantages of laser dentistry is its precision. Lasers allow for targeted treatment, which minimizes the impact on surrounding tissue. We almost always focus on preserving the natural tooth structure, and by using lasers, we can be more precise while preserving more tissue than ever before. Using lasers also reduces the need for extensive drilling, which can reduce the amount of bleeding a patient experiences, thus reducing recovery time.  

2. Reduced Anxiety

It’s common to experience some level of nervousness or anxiety when visiting a dentist. Not many people seem to enjoy needles, especially kids. I don’t particularly care for needles personally either, but they are extremely effective at delivering the needed anesthetic to a specific area and making it possible to perform dental procedures with a significant reduction of pain and discomfort. 

That being said, it is reasonable to expect patients to be a bit apprehensive. 

But, guess what? If you HATE to even think about needles, then lasers may just become your best friend (so to speak).

A huge part of holistic dentistry is comfort. Your environment—even at the dentist—can be more comfortable. And that’s where laser dentistry has made incredible strides. Treatments involving lasers often require less or even no anesthesia. It’s really a revelation for a lot of patients.

If you can’t stand the anxiety of needles, laser dentistry may be exactly what you need. It can truly make your experience that much more relaxing and stress-free. 

3. Accelerated Healing and Recovery Times

As I mentioned, the use of a laser in some dental procedures can significantly reduce the amount of time it takes one to heal and recover. Healing times for all patients are different, but healing times can be reduced by as much as 50% or more with some procedures. 

4. Biocompatible Treatment Options

By using lasers, we can minimize the amount of foreign materials needed to treat specific issues. We can avoid drilling, chemical additives, and significantly reduce or eliminate the need for anesthetics. 

We consider this a huge benefit for patients that want the highest level of holistic wellness in their treatment plan. 

5. Comprehensive Care for Systemic Health

Your entire, overall health is taken into account in every treatment plan or procedure. Your health is of utmost importance to me and to my staff.

I believe that this approach is what makes it possible to think ahead and to avoid treatments that may not address the underlying issue or cause of serious dental issues. For example, some patients may have severe infections or even diseases in their gums. These conditions can lead to very serious or long-term health problems, such as periodontal disease.

In some of these cases, we have found that there were untreated issues in the past that, if treated properly, may have prevented their issues—at least in part. So, laser dentistry can assist us here too, by making it easier to treat more areas during a single visit, and reducing the amount of time it takes for a patient with severe conditions to heal. 

6. Customization of Treatment Plans

Our treatment plans consist of the exact procedures, in order, needed to fully address your dental health. Each plan is tailor-made and based on thorough exams and extensive research.  

Using laser dentistry, we can improve the accuracy of the time that is estimated to complete each plan. The precision and reduced healing time of laser dentistry allow us to be far more accurate when it comes to the amount of time it takes to heal from a given procedure. 

This can make your treatment plan move faster and allow you to get results faster. 

7. Laser Dentistry is Environmentally Friendly

It may not seem so, but laser dentistry is inherently more eco-friendly than most other traditional methods. Lasers do not require additives or materials and produce practically no waste. 

Who Should Consider Laser Dentistry

If you get highly stressed or have an unusually high degree of anxiety when visiting the dentist, or you would like to have your procedure go faster, result in less pain, and improve healing times, then you should consider laser dentistry. 

Although many patients can benefit from laser-assisted procedures, it may not be for everyone. Depending on your level of comfort and certain other factors, it may not be the best solution. But for many, it is a great way to get the care you need with less stress and virtually no pain. 

To learn more, please call us. 

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