What Fillings Are In Your Teeth? How the Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique Might Be Right for You

Safe Mercury Removal

Dental fillings are widely used to repair teeth that have been damaged or eroded by decay.

Various materials can be used for dental fillings, each having various advantages and disadvantages.

Of all of the materials used to fill in a tooth, there is one that has been determined to be the most dangerous – especially when it comes to long-term health. That material is mercury amalgam.

Known for its durability but also for potential health concerns, mercury amalgam contains, as you guessed it, mercury. Now regardless of how you might feel about mercury or its safety, there are numerous studies that show that mercury can be dangerous to humans, even in very small amounts.

In this article, we’ll go over some types of dental fillings including mercury amalgam, the SMART removal, and some reasons to consider having your mercury amalgam fillings removed.

Some Common Types of Dental Fillings

1. Amalgam Fillings:

  • Composition: Metal alloy comprised of mercury, silver, tin, and copper.
  • Advantages: Highly durable and cost-effective.
  • Disadvantages: Contains mercury, which can pose health risks. Visually unappealing due to its silver color.

2. Composite Fillings:

  • Composition: Made from a mixture of plastic and fine glass particles.
  • Advantages: Tooth-colored, making them aesthetically pleasing. Bonds directly to the tooth structure.
  • Disadvantages: Less durable than amalgam and can be more expensive.

3. Ceramic Fillings:

  • Composition: Made from porcelain.
  • Advantages: Highly aesthetic and resistant to staining. Durable and can last many years.
  • Disadvantages: More expensive than composite and amalgam fillings.

4. Gold Fillings:

  • Composition: Made from gold alloy.
  • Advantages: Extremely durable and long-lasting.
  • Disadvantages: Very expensive and requires multiple dental visits. Not tooth-colored.

These are the most common types of dental fillings. But, why should you consider the removal the mercury amalgam fillings? It’s concerning.

Concerns About Mercury Amalgam Fillings

Mercury amalgam fillings have been used for over a century due to their strength and affordability. However, the use of mercury has raised health concerns. The US Food and Drug Administration has lists several people that should be concerned about mercury fillings, including:

  • Women who are pregnant
  • Nursing mothers
  • Children under the age of 6
  • People with mercury sensitivity
  • People that have neurological impairment

There are health risks involved with mercury amalgam fillings. Continuous exposure to small amounts of mercury vapor released from amalgam fillings can lead to health issues such as neurological problems, kidney damage, and immune system disorders.

About SMART – The Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique

Because of the potential risks of removing mercury in dental amalgam, safe removal is a fantastic option. The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) has established protocols for the safe removal of mercury amalgam fillings to minimize exposure to mercury vapors during the procedure.

Steps in the Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique:

1 Pre-Treatment Precautions:

  • Patient Protection: The patient is provided with protective coverings, including a nasal mask to supply clean air, and a rubber dam to isolate the tooth.
  • Room Preparation: High-volume air filtration systems are used to remove mercury vapors from the air.

2 Removal Procedure:

  • Sectioning the Amalgam: The dentist uses a technique to section the amalgam filling into chunks, reducing the amount of drilling and minimizing mercury vapor release.
  • Suction Systems: High-volume suction devices are employed to capture mercury particles and vapors during the removal process.

3 Post-Removal Protocol:

  • Rinsing and Cleaning: The patient’s mouth is thoroughly rinsed, and the rubber dam is carefully removed to prevent any residue exposure.
  • Supplemental Care: Patients may be advised to take supplements that support detoxification, such as activated charcoal or chlorella.

4 Replacement Fillings:

  • Choosing a New Filling: After removal, the dentist will discuss options for replacing the amalgam with safer materials, such as composite or ceramic fillings.

Benefits of Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal

Health Benefits:
• Reduced Mercury Exposure: Minimizing exposure to mercury vapor during removal lowers the risk of associated health problems.

• Holistic Health Improvement: Many patients report overall health improvements after the safe removal of mercury amalgam fillings.

Environmental Benefits:
• Less Pollution: Proper disposal of amalgam waste prevents mercury from contaminating the environment.

Considerations for Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal

While the safe removal technique offers many benefits, it’s essential to consider the following:
1. Finding a Qualified Dentist – Ensure that your dentist is trained in the IAOMT protocols and has experience in safe mercury removal procedures.
2. Cost – The procedure can be more expensive than routine dental work due to the specialized equipment and additional precautions required.
3. Health Assessment – Consult with your healthcare provider to assess whether the removal of mercury amalgam fillings is necessary for your health.

Dental fillings are essential for restoring damaged teeth, but the type of filling material can significantly impact your health and the environment. Mercury amalgam fillings, while durable, pose potential health risks due to mercury exposure. The safe mercury amalgam removal technique, developed by the IAOMT, offers a way to minimize these risks during the removal process. By choosing safer alternatives for dental fillings and opting for a qualified dentist experienced in safe removal protocols, you can protect your health and contribute to a healthier environment.

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SMART amalgam removal
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